Plot vs. Spontaneity
While reading On Writing , Stephen King challenged my process of writing, “Plot is, I think, the good writer’s last resort and the dullard’s first choice.” Damn. Apparently, I've been writing pedantic stories. Doesn't bode well for a successful career. By nature, I am a control freak and prefer to plan everything out, albeit day trips, vacations or my novel. Back in November 2010, when I embarked on the insane NaNoWriMo challenge, I created an outline of my entire mystery novel. Being the first time I’d ever written anything so long, I felt safer with a plan. As I wrote, my story deviated from the plan. I listened to the story, letting it lead the way, but still knew what I wanted to happen in the story. Of course you will find many writers split on this topic. Some contradictory advice I’ve read says writing without an outlined plot leads to bird-walk writing. Presenting you with the task of...