NCF Tuesday: Amazon E-book Lending; Writing Contests; Break-Up Quotes


Amazon the New Library?

Lauren Hazard Owen with paidContent covers the early stage of Amazon’s venture into e-book lending. Similar to Netflix and a library, the service would be made available to their Prime members. The venture leaves more questions than answers at this point.

Do you think e-book lending through Amazon will create problems?

Interview with Haruki Murakami

Enjoy Haruki Murakami’s interview as The New Yorker’s fiction editor discusses his novel 1Q84 (hitting U.S. shelves in late October) and the excerpt, “Town of Cats,” available online and in print.

The setting of 1Q84 is 1984, and Murakami struggled with the lack of technology. Have you faced similar challenges when dealing with settings in your stories?


Vintage Dust Jackets

Check out these vintage dust jackets for novelists Virginia Woolf, William Faulkner, J.D. Salinger, etc.

Which one is your favorite?

New Yorker Festival-Sept. 30-Oct. 2

Nate Freeman gives readers the writer and celebrity pair-ups at the 2011 New Yorker Festival coming up at the end of September.

Which pair would you like to see?


Glimmer Train Literary Journal
-       Fiction Open; 2,000-20,000 words
-       First Place Prize: $2,000, publication in Glimmer Train Stories, and 20 copies of that issue
-       Deadline: Sept 30, 2011
-       Details here 

Writer’s Digest Magazine
-       Short Short Writing Competition
o   Fiction: 1,500 words or less
o   First Place Prize: $3,000 and a trip to the Writer’s Digest Conference
o   Deadline: November 15, 2011
o   Details here 
-       5-Minute Memoir, “Tales From the Writing Life”
o   Personal Essay (600 words or less)
o   Prize: Publication in Writer’s Digest magazine
o   Deadline: Rolling submissions
o   Details here 

Zoetrope All-Story Magazine
-       Fifteenth Annual All-Story Short Fiction Contest: 5,000 words or less
-       First Place Prize: $1,000, online publication and possible representation
-       Deadline: October 3, 2011
-       Details here 

Writer’s Digest Magazine
-       7th Annual Poetry Awards Competition
o   Poetry: 32 lines or less
o   First Place Prize: $1,500 and a trip to the Writer’s Digest Conference
o   Deadline: December 1, 2011
o   Details here

Peruse the break-up quotes from famous literary works. Enjoy!


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