NCF Tuesday: Summer Reading Mania; Glimmer Train Deadline Today; Simple Dog Goes for Joy Ride
News Literary Blending with Fantasy/Sci-fi The Wall Street Journal discusses the line between genre and literary fiction, low and high art. Alexandra Alter dives into the literary novelists’ struggle to compete with ubiquitous fantasy and science fiction. Is the literary novelist’s move to blend their genre with popular fiction going to help or hurt them? Analysis of All 7 Harry Potter Novels Sean Smith at The Boston College Chronicle talks about Romance Languages and Literatures Professor Emerita Vera Lee’s On the Trail of Harry Potter , “which she touts as the first book-length literary analysis of all seven Harry Potter volumes.” She breaks from previously published analyses to focus on how J.K. Rowling created Harry Potter and why. Would you purchase the literary analysis of the beloved YA series? Summer Reading List The New York Times runs down a list of 19 promising new books to keep you busy during the summer. Janet Maslin shows us that ...