Dragging My Ass Out of the Mire


The blogosphere's collective thought waves can really help a girl out of a major rut. My writing is on the brain all the time. They just haven't made it to the page in a long time. Every time I sit down, my chest constricts and I panic. It's crap. Then I feel like crap. Once the self-deprecating thoughts suffocate my motivation, I question my goal to be a writer. Waaaah! Waaaah! Waaaah!

Note to self: Get your shit together.

So, I bring you a few blog posts that reinvigorated my motivation.
Around of Words in 80 Days
Becky Taylor talks about a writing challenge that helped her make small writing goals to get her writing every day.

Writing Daily
C. Hope Clark discusses writing daily as well. She suggests writing in a specific form every day (prompt, short story, novel, poetry, etc).

Here are a few blog posts I found insightful and interesting: 

Janet Reid recaps the main points in Mark Tavani's workshop. Although it is targeting thrillers, I believe the information works for just about any genre out there.

Largeheartedboy provides links to 100+ websites and blogs with summer reading lists, plus book reviews, author interviews and author playlists.

My goal for the rest of this month is to respond to a writing prompt everyday in at least 500 words. That's it. A small start giving me the chance to improve my writing skills. My other goal is to live my writing life the way I live the rest of my life: quiet and solitary the majority of the time, and, on occasion, poke my head in socially. 

Here are a few books I plan to read this summer:
Harry Potter Series, J.K. Rowling (I'm gearing up for the final movie next week!)
Don Quixote, Miguel de Cervantes
Dark Places, Gillian Flynn
Home Stand, James McKean
The Case of The Missing Servant, Tarquin Hall
Witch & Wizard, James Patterson
Rebecca, Daphne du Maurier
Swann’s Way, Marcel Proust

What books are on your summer list?


Anna said…
Oh no! Swann's Way! What happened to my summer of Proust???

Also, Rebecca is in my top 10 fav books. It's a quick read too, very fast paced and exciting.

Thanks for the links—I love it when you post links to other blogs. They're usually ones I haven't found yet.
Oh self-doubt...how I loathe thee. I too suffer from it Laura but I think this is the taskmaster of everyone that tries to achieve anything.
Amie Kaufman said…
My summer list is sitting right beside me! It includes:
IN DEFENCE OF FOOD and a stack of others.

I'm really glad you're feeling like you're on track, and it sounds like you have a great plan for getting writing. Good luck!
Alex Villasante said…
Obviously (because you know me) I've read the HP series. They're awesome. Also, Rebecca? It's AMAZING! after you read it, see the lawrence oliver film version. I had a crush on Maxim De Winter, seriously!

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