Need Help Selling That Book?

As part of my new position as Online Courses Coordinator with Pennwriters, Inc., I wanted to post information about the newest course.

**********  HURRY! COURSE STARTS IN FOUR DAYS! **********

Promotional Basics: Getting The Word Out, When Your Words Come Out
Online Course

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Pennwriters Inc. brings you...

INSTRUCTOR: Babs Mountjoy
DATE: August 1 – September 2, 2011

    (LIMITED CLASS SIZE. Enroll now.)

Congratulations! Your book or project has just been published. Now comes the real work: making sure your audience can find your book, purchase it, enjoy it and share it with others, bringing you fame and fortune! Most publishers want to hear about your platform, which includes a website, blog, or other publicity method to sell and promote your product or book across the world.

The internet and social media are great methods to share your news and can go a long way toward reaching your potential audience. This online course will teach you the basics of publicity and marketing, some old tricks and some new tricks, to make your new release a real success.  

* 4 most important things to include when developing a website
* Discover a variety of ways to get your work noticed online and offline
* Blog tours: how to get one started and why they’re a great way to spread your name
* Freebies and giveaways to attract readers and followers
* Setting up personal appearances and book signings (Have a program in mind, not just a chair behind a table)

FREE BONUS: A list of 50 sites where writers can submit their books for review.

Get better website and book sales results from proven promotion methods! LIMITED CLASS SIZE. Enroll now.


Barbara “Babs” Mountjoy has been writing ever since she was a little girl, unable to control the urge of stories that wanted to percolate through her fingers into the keyboard. Or back then, onto the old Royal typewriter (before the TRS-80 even! Wow!). She's been a published writer for over 35 years, spent seven years as a news reporter and editor in South Florida, and has contributed stories to two CUP OF COMFORT volumes. Her non-fiction book 101 LITTLE INSTRUCTIONS FOR SURVIVING YOUR DIVORCE was published by Impact Publishers in 1999, and her first novel, THE ELF QUEEN (under the pen name Lyndi Alexander) came out in 2010. THE ELF QUEEN is the first of the Clan Elves of the Bitterroot series, with THE ELF CHILD coming out in 2011 and THE ELF MAGE to be released in 2012.  Her romantic suspense novel DELIVERANCE will be released by the Wild Rose Press in 2011, and her women's fiction book SECOND CHANCES comes out from Zumaya Publications in 2012. She blogs about autism, writing and life at, and continues to write tech articles and TV reviews at Firefox News online. For more information on Babs Mountjoy or this course, email her at

* Subscribe to our Online Courses announcement list for email on our latest workshops!


Sounds like a great course and instructor.
Alex Villasante said…
man, i wish i was 'there' yet - if/when I'm in the position to promote something, I'll be looking for something like this!
Anna said…
Super cool, thanks for posting the info. Also, I'm tagging you in a game of blog tag as soon as I finish the post :)

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