Inspirational Blogfest: Wake Up Your Writing Genius


Today Summer Ross is hosting an inspirational blogfest. Check out the details and participating bloggers here.

Take a moment and respond to the following writing prompt to explore your creativity. Or learn more about your main character by letting them respond to the prompt. Enjoy!

Point to a word or a sentence in any text and write for 10 minutes about whatever you or your character associate to.



Been down "Inspiration Alley", tramped up "Inspiration Hill", now I'm at "Inspiration Point", but Inspiration still eludes me. Is there an Inspiration Diner around here? I need a coffee. ;)

Golden Eagle said…
Ah, now that sounds like a good exercise to try!
Unknown said…
hehe cool! Funny how the real world provides inspiration, isn't it?
Summer Ross said…
terrific prompt! thank you so much for participating!
Anonymous said…
That is a great one. I was in WI yesterday and missed the sign!
Brenda Sills said…
Inspiration Point? How fantastic - I would love to go take my picture next to that sign and tack it up in my writing area. And what a great idea for a prompt to take a word or sentence from any text and write for 10 min about it - LOVE it! I'm going to try that for sure! Thanks!
Jen said…
I went for a street sign as well, but yours is cuter!

Very cool!
Susan Kane said…
I have been on the run with family responsibilities and fun for almost 5 days, so I missed out on this great street sign. Inspiration Point? I have to think on this one.
Lisa Potts said…
This sounds like fun. I'm going to try it this weekend.
Michael Di Gesu said…
Gorgeous autumn foliage.... It works perfectly with the sign.
Jackie Jordan said…
I just learned what a 'prompt' is, and this one is great. Thanks for the photo!
Amie Kaufman said…
Oh, this is great! A friend just asked me for a website that had good writing prompts -- I'll point her at the blogfest instead!
L. Diane Wolfe said…
Oh I like that idea. Be more fun with a character.
Misha Gerrick said…
Great exercise! I'll have to give it a try some time.:-)

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