NCF Tuesday: Books from Childhood; Writing Contests; Hipster Tea Party


Children Inheriting Their Parents Books

According to Kevin Hartnett, parents often choose books from their childhood to share with their children and foster a love for reading. A wonderful tradition to pass on to the youth of this world. 

Name 1 or 2 of your favorite books as a child?
Looking to Turn Your Novel Into a Movie?

Josie Freedman, Co-head of the Media Rights Department (with Nick Harris) at International Creative Management (ICM) discusses what she looks for when deciding if a novel can translate into a movie. 

What novels do you think would make for a great movie?
PJ Harvey to Release Her Writing and Art Work

Life and the chance to make a record took musician PJ Harvey away from her desire for the visual arts, and now would like to make her way back. While on tour for her a new album out this year, a plan to showcase her poetry, short fiction and drawings is in the works. 

Besides writing, do you aspire to other areas of the arts?
Keeping Bookstores Alive

Unique bookstores keep the brick and mortar stores alive while combating the e-book explosion.

Do you have a unique bookstore you enjoy visiting?


Glimmer Train Literary Journal
-       Short Story Award for New Writers
-       First Place Prize: $1,200, publication in Glimmer Train Stories, and 20 copies of that issue
-       Deadline: May 31, 2011
-       Details here 

Narrative Magazine
-       Spring 2011 Story Contest: Fiction and Nonfiction of 15,000 words or less
-       First Place Prize: $3,250, considered for publication
-       Deadline: July 31, 2011
-       Details here 

Writer’s Digest Magazine
-       5-Minute Memoir, “Tales From the Writing Life”
o   Personal Essay (600 words or less)
o   Prize: Publication in Writer’s Digest magazine
o   Deadline: Rolling submissions
o   Details here 

Funny or Die shows us the Hipster Tea Party potential. Enjoy!


RosieC said…
Oh, those look like great contests. Thanks for the links.

I haven't thought about my favorite childhood books in a long time. The ones that come to mind are Mike Mulligan and his Steam Shovel (or something like that) and The Toothpaste Millionaire. However, I recently read an MG novel from the 1970s that my friends had enjoyed as kids, and I was shocked by the anti-math bent, the all-male cast of characters, and the roaring stereotypes of smart people wearing glasses and the like. I'm sure before I shared anything with my kids that I would need to reread it to see what latent ideas are there.

East for Green Eyes
Anna said…
After we graduate from the classics (Dr. Seuss and Richard Scarry) I plan to put fantasy/scifi books in my kids' hands. I'm thinking Princess Bride and Neverending Story to begin, with maybe some Anne McCaffrey when they get a bit older.

As for bookstores, Shakespeare Co. in Paris ranks up there with my favorites, as does The Strand in NYC. But I love me any good used bookstore where you can find just the right book for a dollar.
Michael Offutt said…
I like PJ Harvey. It's good to see she's staying relevant. As far as turning my book into a movie...I think I'd just like to see it in print first. I'll keep my goals "realistic".
Anonymous said…
Ah, good post! I really enjoyed all of the Mercer Mayer books as a kid and still really love reading them to my kiddos.

Bookstores. . . I love Unabridged here in Chicago.

FYI Blogger hates me today so I can only post anonymously. Boo. Lindsay @ Tiptoe-Kisses
Jessica Bell said…
I am such a HUGE fan of PJ and had no idea she was a writer too! Wow. thanks for letting me know! I've been listening to PF since I was 14. Her first album, DRY is still one of my favorites :o)
ali cross said…
You always share such awesome resources! I've definitely shared my book loves with my boys, but they haven't always loved them as much as I have. Storytelling has changed a lot since then. :)

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