Guest Blog Friday!

In an attempt to expand my readership, Misha @My First Book gave me rein of her blog today as a guest blogger. Please head on over and read about Acting for Writers. If you aren't following her yet, I highly recommend it.

Welcome new visitors! If you are interested in checking out the first two posts in the Pennwriters Conference Series, follow the links below.

Pennwriters Conference Series: #1 Four Truths of Character


Ellie Garratt said…
I'm heading over there now!
Anonymous said…
Hi there, the followers box is blank and won't let me join you. Will try again. :O)
Anna said…
Following the link love!
I love Misha's blog and Misha in general. I chat with her on twitter sometimes.
I hadn't thought about guest posting on anyone's blog (to answer your question you sent me via email.)
Lindsay said…
Yay - I don't think I know Misha so I'm looking forward to making a visit! Looking forward to seeing your interview over there:)

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