What Are You Reading?

So, Monday is my favorite day to have off.  Everyone is at work.  The house is peaceful.  It's just me and my cats.  I find motivation to write is hard to muster when I really just want to curl up with a book and drink tea.

I noticed my writing schedule is suffering.  This blog gets most of my attention because I post M-F.  My priorities need to be reassessed.  Several bloggers I follow post on certain days.  I might follow the same route.  In the meantime, tell me what you are reading right now.

I'm reading YA Tempted by P.C. Cast and Kristin Cast.  My friend Cathy and I love the story and share the books.


Alex Villasante said…
Oh, you know me, I'm reading several books at once. I'm just finishing Fool by Christopher Moore as part of my TBR challenge, but that's been slowed down by re-reading the Abhorsen trilogy by Garth Nix. I DEVOURED The Giver, thank you for the suggestion, cried at the end. Next I'm trying to decide between Valiant by Holly Black and Mortal Engines. I'm a reading glutton. I need professional help.
Jude said…
I totally feel your pain! Blogging is pretty mandatory in the writing/publishing world, yet it's such a giant time-suck! Anyway, I've been meaning to get into the House of Night series. Maybe after I finish reading Rachel Neumeier's FLOATING ISLANDS :)
Alex- you crack me up. Professional help? Maybe, but I'll be sitting right next to you. I'm so glad you liked The Giver. I can't wait to hear what you think actually happened in the end.

Jude-I really enjoyed the House of Night series. This is the 6th novel I believe. I devoured them much faster than Twilight. My love of folklore is a big focus with the novels. Makes reading them more interesting. Hence New Moon being my favorite of all the Twilight novels.
Perri said…
I don't have a blog schedule, because I know I'd break it. But I really admire those that can stick to one. Blogging is such a different type of writing. Sometimes, it warms me up for fiction, sometimes it's all I can manage between kids, laundry, etc.

Oh-- and I'm reading "Little Bee" by Chris Cleave. Beautiful prose but the jury's still out. :)
Anna said…
Currently reading the Norton edition of PB Shelley. Tis the season. Also reading The Perfect Reader by I-can't-remember-her-name. It's pretty good.
Laura, I'm passing onto you the "One Lovely Blog" award. It's great material to use if you want a blog entry that's easy and quick to do. I'd also understand if you don't want to bother with it because it's basically a chain letter with a little picture. Enjoy if you want it and just grab the .jpg from my latest blog entry or the "Award" page I created on my site to house such novelties :).

BTW...I swear I'm not picking on you. I just think to myself...hmmm...who would want this award? Why Laura of course!
Oh and I'm currently reading "The Hunger Games". I'm about 100 pages into it. The book is decent but fails to live up to all the hype (which is how everything seems to be). Hype and buzz are so misleading.
David P. King said…
I'm currently not reading anything. Too busy, I'm afraid. I have a stack to read once my WiP is done.

I happened on your blog through Michael. It's good to meet another writer :)
Susan Kane said…
I am like David. i have a stack of books I have either inherited from friends or bought. I suffer from migraines, and sometimes the words float on the page. Typing is different, so I write more than i read. Suggestions?
Anonymous said…
I'm currently reading the Iliad with a companion book full of notes. Slow going, but enjoyable. I just bought Red Riding Hood, and I'm looking forward to checking that out before the movie debuts.
J.M. I just wanted to comment on your comment. I read a wonderful translation of the Iliad in which "Petroclus' flesh stood FIRM!" when Achilles was mourning over his body and gave him some ambrosia. I always took that as to mean that Achilles was happy because his lover got one last erection that he could enjoy. Sorry Laura if my comment seems out of place :/ I just had to comment on that...
Amie Kaufman said…
I'm reading The Lost Hero by Rick Riordan, and I just finished Flora Segunda by Ysabeau S. Wilce--loving one and loved the other!

I blog two times a week, which is about right for me. Any more, and I wouldn't have time to visit friends' blogs and get my writing done.

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