NCF Tuesday: Making Things Better; First 101 Words Contest; Growing Up Redefined



Yesterday, The New Yorker put out its March 28th issue devoted to Japan.  The articles range from nuclear meltdowns to dealing with the aftermath of disasters.  The editors chose Haruki Murakami’s story, U.F.O in Kushiro, to showcase a piece of fiction that provides readers a well crafted story, as well as push them to reflect on the implications the story has on our world. 

What do you think makes an excellent piece of fiction?

Art Education Anarchy

Join Teach 4 Amerika Tour’s rally today, Tuesday, March 29th, at Cooper Union in New York City as they discuss alternatives to overpriced MFAs and ideas to improve existing programs.  

Can alternatives to an MFA provide the same instruction and guidance?

It Gets Better

Dan Savage and, husband, Terry Miller released their book It Gets Better: Coming Out, Overcoming Bullying, and Creating a Life Worth Living (Dutton) on March 22nd.  The book evolved from their video campaign to stop bullying and let the LGBT community know things will get better. 

A Memorable Job: Top Secret Copy Editing

Susan Jeffers spent over a decade working with a renowned YA author, proofreading and copy editing her novels secretly.  “[She] felt an obligation to kids all over the world to keep things quiet.”  So, what series did Jeffers work on?  Find out here. 

What author would you secretly copy edit? 


Lesser Apricots
-       Fiction: First 101 words of your manuscript
-       First Place Prize: Critique 
-       Deadline: April 15, 2011
-       Details here 

New American Fiction Prize
-       Fiction: Approx. 100-500 pages of your best fiction
-       First Place Prize: $1,000, publication contract, 25 complimentary copies and 15% royalties
-       Deadline: May 15, 2011
-       Details here 

E.M Koeppel Short Fiction Award
-       Unpublished Fiction
-       First Place Prize: $1,100
-       Deadline: April 3, 2011
-       Details here 

Glimmer Train Literary Journal
-       Open Fiction
-       First Place Prize: $2,000
-       Deadline: March 31, 2011
-       Details here 

Narrative Magazine
-       Fiction and Nonfiction
-       First Place Prize: $3,250
-       Deadline: March 31, 2011
-       Details here 

Writer’s Digest Magazine
-       80th Annual Writing Competition
o   Fiction and Nonfiction
o   Grand Prize: $3,000
o   Deadline: May 2, 2011
o   Details here 
-       5-Minute Memoir, “Tales From the Writing Life”
o   Personal Essay (600 words or less)
o   Prize: Publication in Writer’s Digest magazine
o   Deadline: Rolling submissions
o   Details here 

American Poetry Talent Search Contest
-       Poetry (100 lines or less)
-       First Prize: $250
-       Deadline: March 31, 2011
-       Details here 

Writecorner Press Annual Poetry Award
-       Poetry (40 lines max.)
-       First Prize: $500
-       Deadline: March 31, 2011
-       Details here 

Growing up brings bouts of frustration and resistance to mind.  What if we redefined the meaning of growing up?  Enjoy the possibilities in this web comic!


Amie Kaufman said…
Oh, what a cool copy editing job! Imagine! I'd love to be Rick Riordan's copy editor, if only so I can find out what's going to happen next just a little bit quicker!
How do you find out about this stuff?

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