Snippets from HoME: Trapped

Happy Wednesday! We're half way closer to Friday. I'm a week and half closer to YA Fest in Easton! And I'm putting the finishing touches on a Readers Write piece (Trying Too Hard) for The Sun magazine due at the end of the month.

At this point, I haven't mastered the art of balancing two jobs with writing, but I'm getting closer. So, today I want to leave you with Snippets from HoME titled "Trapped". I've been gathering observations and clips of conversations that stuck with me that I've tinkered with, and I am now sharing with you. Enjoy!


Bumping against the window, the fly takes one more look at the world in hopes of escape before it’s crushed under the force of yesterday’s news.  

What's on your busy schedule this week?



TMWHickman said…
Awww! I sort of feel sorry for that fly. I guess that I've been in his shoes, as it were. At least metaphorically. :-)

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