Wanna Get Connected?

I received some exciting news last week. I found out I got the position as Online Courses Coordinator with Pennwriters, Inc. I’ve been busy orienting myself with the position and setting everything up so the position is low-maintenance. This way I can still do my own personal writing. My email and other social networking sites’ contact lists are growing. And slowly via the blogosphere I’ve been getting connected to my fellow bloggers.

As I get more settled into my writing life, I have more time to devote to meeting new people. And through writing conferences and workshops I’ve learned the importance and reaped the benefits of social networking.

So, I decided I would like to reach out to other bloggers and writers I’m not yet connected to by using today’s post as a networking social function. My social networks are listed below. Leave me a message with your networks. We can all help each other meet new people and make some great professional contacts.     

Twitter: @LCWordsmith

What social media do you use? 


Matthew MacNish said…
Just followed on Twitter and liked on Facebook.
Misha Gerrick said…
Congrats on the appointment!

Networking is important to all of us, so I'm following you on LinkedIn and Twitter.

Amie Kaufman said…
Hey, I didn't have you on Twitter! I've just followed (as @amiekaufman, obviously!).
Meagan Spooner said…
Hey, cool. Added you on Twitter. :D I don't really use LinkedIn, and my Facebook is just my friends and family, but someday I'll make a "fan page" thing on Facebook. When it doesn't feel quite so silly. :P

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