Literary Mogul in the Making

Yes, I’ve cleverly disguised my desire for world domination with this writing blog.  Dream big or go home.  I heard this mantra once and I’ve been living it ever since.  My tireless research and undying effort is starting to pay off. 

I’m proud to announce my first article “10 All-Time Great Family DVDs” has officially been published in MetroKids magazine.  Score!  It’s all very exciting.  But as I’m a newbie to the publishing world, I am a bit confused by the changes in my introduction.  The editor polished my original sentences, but I wasn’t made aware of the changes.  

Is this typical editor behavior?

Well, now it’s time to start writing more articles and receiving money for my hard work.  I’m not too sure how to generate topics or how to pitch an idea to a magazine.  So, I’ve enrolled in Writer’s Digest’s Sell Freelance Articles Webinar on Thursday, February 10, 2011.  Score! 

The class is $89.  The instructors will read and comment on a query submitted before the class date.  Looks like I will be working on my first query/pitch letter.  Cross your fingers I can figure this out.  

What writing classes have you found helpful?   

I can’t always afford classes.  And as perfectionist and rapacious intellectual, I find myself constantly scouring the Internet for ways to increase my blog traffic and followers through tips and etiquette guidelines.  Last week I put myself on a schedule.  Everyday I wrote and posted.  Score! 

This week I wanted to get ahead by writing my posts the day before.  Then scheduling the post time (7am) with the help of  Blogger will post my blog without me (incase I over sleep).  I'm consistent.  My readers then rely on me.  If my readers rely on me they’ll return to my blog daily. Increased traffic and followers, Score! 

Unfortunately, I haven’t been so consistent scheduling this week.  There are two more days this week to redeem myself though.  60% success.  Half a point!

One more thing I do is comment on blogs I follow every day, trying to make it in the top ten.  In the top ten my name and blog is more visible.  How is all this working out?  Good.  I just got another follower and more comments this week.  Score!  I’m doing something right.  

Have any blogging advice?  


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