YA Fest!

YA Fest at the Easton Area Public Library in Pennsylvania kicks off on Saturday, August 4th. I'm super excited for more than one reason. First, I have the ENTIRE day off from work. Woohoo! Second, I get to take a mini road trip with my writing buddy, Alex. Road trips always promise laughter, good music, and unforgettable memories. Top that off with two crazy writers, and I'm bound to love every minute. Third, I get to immerse myself in a free writing event and meet new writer friends.

Hanging with like-minded folk helps the creative juju start moving, especially when you need a kick in the pants to get the words on the page. I also enjoy surrounding myself with other writers because it makes conversation a bit easier, especially when you don't have to pick and choose what you say for fear that a non-writer won't have a clue what you're talking about or share your insane passion for the written word and story telling. 

So, for the rest of week when I'm not working on my critique group submission, I'll be putting together some conversation topics that will hopefully elicit some great dialogue. I would love to hear what topics you enjoyed at writerly get-togethers, if for nothing but to make myself sound cooler. 

What have you brought to the discussion during writing festivals, conferences, gatherings, etc? 


Alex Villasante said…
And it WAS an awesome roadtrip, despite the torrential rain, the weird cupcake and the power outage! We had so much fun. One thing I heard authors talking about was Goodreads - everyone on this side of published (as in, not published) says it's important to be on Goodreads - most authors I spoke to have an aversion to Goodreads - the trolls, the nasty comments, the knee jerk reviews - I wonder, is it a necessary evil? Is there a better alternative?

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